誠摯歡迎 貴子女至僑校參加實體夏令營(周一至周五)、夏季周末班(實體或網路)、鋼琴班。謹附夏令營及夏季週末課程簡章。
1. 請在 4/1-5/5 期間為早鳥報名,此期間註冊可減免$20報名費(註冊以后,請在一星期內繳費);
3. 支票付款:支票抬頭請寫 NEW YORK CHINESE SCHOOL,並在支票上註記:1)學生姓名 2)您的聯絡電話,以便註冊組查收。
*我們學校的地址是 62 Mott St Floor 3Floor, New York, NY 10013
由於本校係非營利機構,義工人力有限,如果您有任何問題,敬請儘量以發送電子郵件方式至 info@nychineseschool.org
在電子郵件中,敬請包括以下信息: (1) 您孩子的中英文姓名和班級; (2) 您的電話號碼; (3) 您的問題。
周一至周五:1:00pm – 5:30pm
周六、日: 10:00am – 3:00pm
二、六年級、初三、高三畢業生,每一位畢業生分別有奨學金100元、300元及1000元:為讓僑校學生了解先僑的奮鬥史及中華文化的博大精深,中華公所前主席兼紐約華僑學校董事長伍銳賢先生及雲吞公司創辦人黃青新、CEO 黃本勁及董事李可星設立之華僑學校畢業鼓勵金。
Dear Parents of New York Chinese School,
Thank you for your continuous support of New York Chinese School. We sincerely welcome your child to attend our summer programs. The programs are conducted online and in-person. Enclosed you will find the 2024 Summer Camp Flyers, 2024 Summer Semester Weekend Programs, and Piano Course. (https://www.nychineseschool.org/)
***We will provide FREE breakfast and lunch for Weekday In-person Classes.***
Our school is offering early bird registration for the 2024 summer courses. Following are the details:
1.Early bird registration is open from April 1st to May 5th. During this period, the $20 registration will be waived (payment must be made within one week after registration).
2.Regular registration will start from May 6th to June 16th, with a registration fee of $20. *After the regular registration period ends, a late registration fee of $30 will be charged additionally.*
3.For payments via checks: please write the name of the recipient as “New York Chinese School”. Please also include 1) Your child’s name 2) Phone number
*Our school is located at 62 Mott St, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Contact information:
With the shortage of human resources as a non-profit organization, it is highly preferable to contact us via email if you have any questions. We will return to you ASAP and please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any concerns. Email: info@nychineseschool.org
Please include the following information in the email to ensure effective communication: (1) Your child’s Chinese and English name and class; (2) Your phone number; (3) Your inquiries.
Or call us at (212) 226-3320 during office hours:
Mon-Fri 1:00pm – 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: 10:00am – 3:00pm
New York Chinese School is a 114 years old non-profit organization dedicated to serving our community. Our mission and goals are to provide the highest qualities of great teachers and a clean as well as safe campus.
New York Chinese School is a non-profit organization. All our staff is dedicated to upgrading teaching quality and providing the most enjoyable learning environment. We need your support to help promote our program to your friends and community. Your sponsorship of the New York Chinese school will also be most appreciated.
∙ We are proud to say that we recruit teachers who obtained bachelor’s or master’s degrees from Columbia Teacher College, Hunter College, and New York City College. We offer scholarships for our graduate classes.
∙ The graduation reward for elementary school (6th grade) will be 100 dollars. For junior high school graduates (9th grade) it will be 300 dollars. For high school graduates, it will be 1000 dollars. The graduation funds were generously initiated by Eric Ng, former Chairman of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and Chairman of New York Chinese School, founder of Wonton Food Ching Sun Wong, CEO Norman Wong, and director Ho Sing Li.
∙ Our school has the longest history and the largest campus in North America. In addition to providing excellent professional teachers, it also prioritizes campus safety and environmental cleanliness. Abacus Federal Savings Bank’s founder, Attorney Thomas Sung, helped NYCS to be established as an absolute charter school.
∙ New York Chinese School hopes that NYCS students can give back to the school and communities in the future and wish that they would continue to promote the Chinese language as well as its culture. We also use textbooks provided by the Overseas Community Affairs Council.
We need your support to help promote our programs to your friends and community. Your sponsorship of New York Chinese school will also be most appreciated.
Registrar’s Office of New York Chinese School