Florist for Sale (9/12)
Port Jefferson Florist 408 Main Street Port Jefferson NY 11777
This is an attractive small business that will appeal to an individual who is either entrepreneurial, artistic or both as well as another florist looking to grow through acquisition. The business is very well established and enjoys an excellent reputation. It has a superior location with 2 hospitals blocks away and Hotel and Marina, also close to several funeral homes and business the closest key accounts that routinely order flowers. The area is with new residential housing – both of which could add sales to this shop. Revenues and owner draws have been growing and provide a good base for a new owner. This florist operates with a minimal number of employees and does not require significant asset replacement nor large amounts of working capital. This specialty retail/service business is priced at $85,000. plus inventory. It provides a great lifestyle and decent income to its owner. Call 516-967-5661 or email me at for information
Port Jefferson Florist 408 Main Street Port Jefferson NY 11777
这是一个有吸引力的小企业,它将吸引那些既有创业精神,有艺术风格,又有吸引力的人,以及另一个希望通过收购实现增长的花店。该业务非常成熟,享有良好的声誉。它拥有优越的地理位置,距离医院有2个街区,而且酒店和码头也靠近几个殡仪馆和商业中最近的关键帐户,通常订购鲜花。该地区有新的住宅 – 这两个都可以增加这个商店的销售。收入和业主的吸引力不断增长,为新老板提供了良好的基础。这家花店的雇员人数很少,不需要大量资产更换,也不需要大量的营运资金。这个专业零售/服务业务的价格为85,000美元。加上库存。它为业主提供了良好的生活方式和体面的收入。请致电516-967-5661或发送电子邮件至portjeffersonflorist@yahoo.com获取信息