Nail Technician Wanted (3/26) 招聘美甲师
My name is Piero, I am opening a spa salon in Ridgewood Queens by the L/M train the stop is Wycoff/Myrtle Ave and I am in need of a nail technician with experience.
This position will pay salary or commission. For more information please call or text me at the following number 718-791-1817.
我叫Piero,我的spa沙龙在Wycoff / Myrtle 大道,在L / M火车Ridgewood Queens的地方。我需要一位有经验的美甲技师。
这个职位有工资或佣金。 欲了解更多信息,请致电或发短信给我,电话号码为718-791-1817。